City of St Louis Website
Carondelet United Church of Christ
St Boniface District, City Historic District
An old home waiting to be renovated in the Patch Neighborhood
Patch Neighborhood
Doering's Carondelet Bakery, est 1875
A home in the Patch Neighborhood
Carondelet Leadership Academy Charter School in the old St Boniface School
Streetview at Steins and Broadway
Anton Schmitt House, City Landmark, built 1859
Bust of Alderman Albert "Red" Villa in the Ivory Triangle Park
Carondelet School, City Landmark, built 1877
Ivory Triangle, Patch Neighborhood
Streetview in the Patch Neighborhood
Historic Stone House on Steins Street
Storefronts on Broadway
Firehouse No 34-one of the oldest fire houses in St Louis, built 1895
Old horse water trough turned fountain in the Ivory Triangle
Two beautiful homes in the Patch Neighborhood
Historic buildings along Broadway including the 3-story "Jodd's Hall", c. 1869
Joseph Otzenberger House, built 1858, City Landmark
Carlin Rathgerber-Krauss House, City Landmark, built 1848
Henry Zeiss stone homes, City Landmark, built 1850
Ruin of a stone house on Steins Street
Old St. Boniface Church, built 1860, now the Ivory Theatre
Streetview of the Patch Neighborhood
Interesting commercial building on Broadway
Historic commercial buildings in the Patch Neighborhood
Home in the Patch Neighborhood
Beautiful old building on Broadway in the Patch Neighborhood
Jacob Steins House, built 1843, City Landmark